The Fire Wood Poem

Beech-wood fires burn bright and clear If the logs are kept a year; Store your beech for Christmastide With new-cut holly laid beside; Chestnut's only good, they say, If for years 'tis stored away; Birch and fir-wood burn too fast Blaze too bright and do not last; Flames from larch will shoot up

Wood Storage Is Always Changing

It is safe to say we are most suprised by the ammount of wood we have used since instaling the fire. We always knew we would get a storve but for the last 3 years it was very much only a plan. In that time

Decorating your home for spring.

I am a really big lover of having fresh flowers at home. One thing I have really noticed over winter is that the flowers and the fire do not like each other. It is safe to say that the downstairs to our home has never

New modern medication.

I often talk about how much I love heat and especially on my back. It is strange, just one of those things I suppose, but I find so much comfort in sitting in front of the fire and letting the heat envelope me from behind.

March Is Here

What we have just discovered is the best thing about having a real stove in our home is the saving we have made on our energy bills. It might seem a bit silly to even think about them, but it actually is one of the

February is another step towards spring!

Just when you start to think that winter is going to last forever February is a little reminder that there aren't many more weeks to spring. It always starts with those first few spottings of Snowdrops; the perfect white flower to show that springtime beauty