Finding Home A Comfort


It is funny how seasonally your mood towards homes change. I think you are a lucky person if you love your home so much that you would rather be there than anywhere else. In the summer when it is warm we can all agree that adventure is waiting and it is easy for us to want to get out and go off all day, but as soon as that turn in season comes in and autumn quickly fades to winter it is safe to say that home becomes a fortress of comfort and our want to stay in more comes upon us tenfold.READ MORE

Becoming A Wood Cutter


It’s safe to say that Rob has a thing about fire. Having had a stove put in I have questioned actually just how many men probably have “a thing” about fires. It seems that when the team from IGNITE came over, there seemed to be a common consensus that actually, all the guys enjoyed making and watching fire. And why not? There is something quite awesome about just sitting and watching the flames burn, almost mesmerising, that dance that is performed before your eyes.READ MORE

Life With A Stove


Having had our new Charnwood ARC stove fitted in September we are now asking ourselves “what did we do before it?” It is crazy how our evenings revolve around it and how it has completely changed the way we relax on an evening.
If I have been at home all day then usually by mid afternoon I have lit the stove, had it burning and warming the house before Etta and I head out on the school run to pick up Raph. There is something quite amazing about walking into a warm house, and one warmed by a fire, well, that is truly special.READ MORE